New information is the first step towards change
You could make use of my consultation if you are:
1. Looking not only for the answers but also for solutions
2. Eager to reconnect with your true nature
3. Willing to understand yourself and others better
I focus on:
1. Ways to reconnect with yourself and with the most important people in your life
2. Your resources and talents in 13 fundamental parts of your life
– 3 levels of identity (individuality),
– 3 ways of communication (relationships),
– 3 kinds of expression at work
– how you can gain stability in the material, mental and spiritual realm
3. Relationships in love, family and work
When less known explanation can be the answer

By sharing knowledge that comes from ancient wisdom – in my consultation based on your Mayan Calendar reading– I invite you to live your life according to what you truly are by Universal intent, by your natural blueprint, and by your initial purpose. Based on your energy, resources & gifts. I invite you to become the maximum of yourself.

We all are here to do something
Possibilities are countless. And to make the most of it, I believe it’s essential to find the one that resonates with your true nature.
If not, there is a chance to stay in the paradigm or limits of your upbringing, education or society.

In short
about me
Hi, I am Elita. I felt connected with the field of Wisdom all my life. Every year, I became more aware, gained and rediscovered more tools.
After initiation at the Sacred Mystery School, I feel the calling to share what I know, to practice the keepership of my soul and act on my soul’s purpose.
My reconnection with Mayan Calendar wisdom gives us the ground to meet.
Information facilitates understanding and creates an opportunity for acceptance, change and ease

What do you want to address?
Consultations that will be useful:
- All about you and your journey – as you/ your employees are the base for your business
- For your relationships – if you have issues with a specific colleague
- Unlock yourself
- For high achievers
- Daily guidance
- Your Calendar
- Cheat sheet on energies
- Online classes – to learn how to manage your team better

I will share a lot of insights on my social media
Let's connect on Instagram now, and in time you will find if this is something that would work for you